I drive around for work quite a bit, and during an average day I get the little pop-up on my phone asking if I want to connect to the wireless internet in the surrounding area. Often times the network names are normal and boring and you won't make you think twice.

This blog is not for those wifi signals. This blog is for the network that pops up and makes you laugh or think.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Cold Night In San Diego

So a big part of me wants to just ignore this one and let you make your own jokes. A bigger part of me wants to avoid saying anything that creates a graphic visual that would possibly give you nightmares or cold sweats.

Thankfully, I'm not that considerate.

So I'm guessing that one day the weather in San Diego was topping the high 90's and this poor desperate soul was in need of something to cool his inner core ... ok, I can't continue. See ya later.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Chronicles Of ...

One day I was out driving around ... and you know how time can fly when you're having fun. Well, apparently I had been driving for a LOOOONG time because before I knew it, I was in Narnia!

Now I know you're all thinking to yourself, "Don't you have to go through a wardrobe in a creepy old house to get to Narnia?"

The answer, to be honest, is obviously not. You just have to hit the right spot on the 15 Freeway in North San Diego County. That's how I got there anyways. I know you're jealous, but stop your whining. It wasn't all that fun and the Turkish Delights were rather stale.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ninjas Only!

Here is the first of many installments here on SpyMyWifi. If you weren't bright enough to read the tiny little paragraph at the top of the page, I will copy/paste it for you right here:

I drive around for work quite a bit, and during an average day I get the little pop-up on my phone asking if I want to connect to the wireless internet in the surrounding area. Often times the network names are normal and boring and you won't make you think twice.

This blog is not for those wifi signals. This blog is for the network that pops up and makes you laugh or think.

I have more where this came from, and will be adding as many screen caps as I can as time goes on. However, if YOU have any funny wifi names that you come across, feel free to send them over. All necessary information on this page somewhere, and you're expected to be smart enough to read it all carefully. Thanks and enjoy!